The past days has been subject to severe scrutiny of the Chinese owned app “Tiktok” for allowing the spreading of misinformation on the worst terror attack ever to happen to the US. The trend which was kicked off by a User by name “Lynette Adkins” when she posted a video detailing her shock after reading Bin Laden’s letter to America and at a point justifying the actions of the Terrorist Bin Laden 9/11 attack on US.

Many users who watched Lynette’s initial video were redirected to “the Guardian” website to read the Bin Laden letter to the US and even many openly joining “Lynette Adkins” in seemingly praising the Terrorist Bin Laden actions on the US. Off-course Tiktok didn’t take action until a wave of media backlash and the white House coming out to address the issue, prompting Tiktok to now to delete the user behind this vile – conspiracy Trend. A search for the user “Lynette Adkins” who started this trend came with no results, with some results showing account Banned for violating Tiktok Community Guideline and Rules.

Meanwhile Nikki Haley, the US Presidential Candidate has openly called the US Government to ban Tiktok, citing the Chinese owned app is been used by China to spread misinformation, antisemitism amidst the ongoing Israel – Hamas conflict. Also Tiktok has taken further steps in removing Bin Laden letter to America Trend from Tiktok and banning several accounts and videos endorsing Bin Laden’s deadly 9/11 Attack on US. Stay with the US Watch for more on this.