Tish James is New York’s 67th Attorney General. She is an experienced attorney and dedicated public servant. In 2018, she became the first woman of color to hold statewide office in New York and the first woman elected Attorney General.

Attorney General James prioritized protecting NY residents and enforcing state laws. She obtained over $7.5 billion for New York from lawbreakers who exploited New Yorkers, including $2.5 billion from opioid manufacturers and distributors for their involvement in the opioid epidemic. Under her leadership, the New York State Attorney General’s Office removed 4,000+ guns, dismantled drug and gun trafficking rings, and halted the spread of ghost guns.

Attorney General James tackled predatory landlords violating NY’s lead paint laws, harassing tenants and endangering children. She defended New Yorkers’ health and the state’s natural resources by targeting polluters and violators of environmental laws. Attorney General James defended vulnerable populations by challenging the citizenship question on the census and protecting DACA through the Supreme Court.

Letitia James was NYC’s public advocate before becoming Attorney General. In 2013, she became the first woman of color in citywide office. As public advocate, she passed more legislation than all previous advocates combined, including a law banning salary history questions to address the gender wage gap. Letitia James served as public advocate after representing the 35th Council District in Brooklyn for 10 years. As a council member, she passed the Safe Housing Act, which improved living conditions for tenants in NYC’s worst buildings. Letitia James was previously head of the Brooklyn Regional Office of the New York State Attorney General’s Office before being elected to the City Council.

Letitia James started as a public defender at Legal Aid Society. She is a proud Brooklynite, with degrees from Lehman College and Howard University School of Law.

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